FUTU HK Help Center-Returns on Robo-Advisor ETF Portfolios

Returns on Robo-Advisor ETF Portfolios

1. How to View Position Returns

You can view your portfolio's market value, cost, position details, and returns by going to Accounts > Universal Account > Assets (at the top of the page) > Securities > the portfolio's Position Details page.


2. Market Value

  • The market value of an ETF portfolio is the sum of the latest market value of each constituent ETF.

  • Latest Market Value of a Constituent ETF = Latest Number of Settled Shares (including odd-lot shares and/or fractional shares) * Share Price During Regular Trading Hours (RTH)

  • Please note:

    • As ETF portfolios can only be traded during RTH, their market value does not reflect pre-market and after-hours price fluctuations. Due to low liquidity, the actual value of odd-lot shares and fractional shares may differ from the market price.

    • The market value of a portfolio does not include cash dividends and any other cash generated from existing or previous positions in the portfolio. If there is a cash dividend for your portfolio, it will be automatically transferred to the US securities account under the corresponding universal account.

    • If you want to see the cumulative return of your portfolio with cash dividends included, please refer to "P/L incl. dividends" on the Position Details page.


3. % Position

  • % Position = Latest Market Value of the ETF Portfolio / Total Market Value of All Your Positions in the Corresponding Universal Account

  • If you buy the suggested ETF(s) for an ETF portfolio yourself, the position(s) will be combined with other positions in the portfolio and shown in your statement but will not be included in the portfolio for fee calculation.

  • If you have any questions, you can check the portfolio's position details in the app anytime.


4. Cost Calculation

  • Diluted cost calculation:

Diluted Cost = Total Amount Invested in the Portfolio – Total Amount Gained from the Portfolio

Diluted cost takes into account the cash flows from all buy and sell transactions and provides a more comprehensive cost basis.

  • Average cost calculation:

Average Cost of a Constituent ETF = (Average Cost Before Current Purchase * Number of Shares Held Before Current Purchase + Share Price of Current Purchase * Number of Shares Bought) / Number of Shares Held After Current Purchase

Average Cost of an ETF Portfolio = ∑(Average Cost of a Constituent ETF * Number of Shares Held)

Where constituent ETFs include only ETFs currently held in the portfolio but not those already sold.

Average cost takes into account only the cash flows from buy transactions but not those from sell transactions. Losses and gains from sell transations do not dilute the cost but become realized P/L.


5. P/L incl. dividends

  • P/L incl. dividends = P/L + Cumulative Cash Dividends


P/L = Latest Market Value of the Portfolio – Diluted Cost

Diluted Cost = Total Amount Invested in the Portfolio – Total Amount Gained from the Portfolio

Cumulative Cash Dividends = Cumulative Value of All Cash Dividends from Current and Previous ETFs in the Portfolio

  • P/L% incl. dividends

P/L% incl. dividends = P/L incl. dividends / Diluted Cost = (P/L + Cumulative Cash Dividends) / Diluted Cost


6. P/L

  • P/L = Latest Market Value of the Portfolio – Diluted Cost

  • P/L% = P/L / Diluted Cost


7. Today's P/L

  • Today's P/L = Latest Market Value of the Portfolio – Yesterday's Market Value + Today's Sell Amount – Today's Buy Amount


8. Realized and Unrealized P/L Based on Average Cost

  • Realized P/L = ∑(Realized Gains/Losses from a Constituent ETF)

Where constituent ETFs include ETFs currently held in the portfolio and those sold during rebalancing.

  • Unrealized P/L = ∑(Unrealized Gains/Losses from a Constituent ETF)

Unrealized Gains/Losses from a Constituent ETF = (Current Price – Average Cost) * Number of Shares Held

Where constituent ETFs include only ETFs currently held in the portfolio but not those already sold.